Greetings everyone. If you’ve been keeping up with my posts you should already know about the Forex MegaDroid robot. With that in mind this post will be brief. I just mainly wanted to let you all know that – as the title says – those of you who are interested can now purchase this product.
If you decide to buy it please don’t forget that the refund availability period is 60 days. The product is sold through ClickBank so you should have NO worries as to whether you’ll get your refund or not – you will!
Also those of you who are going to get a copy of this EA are invited to post your trading results at the following forum thread:
Good luck and I hope you make a lot of money with this EA. Oh, and please don’t forget to share your trading results – it would really be of great help to people who are undecided yet. Typically I play the role of the guinea pig, but unfortunately this time I can’t join in on the fun as I’m a little strapped for cash and also I lack the time to fully test it because I’m extremely busy with personal matters and with testing about a dozen other forex products.