Hi everyone. I thought I’d keep you up to date on how my testing of the Honest Forex Signals service is going. This post is going to be very very brief. I am just going to post my account statement so far. Just bear in mind that I haven’t been with them for that long so this statement is not something you can use to make a solid decision about this forex trading signals service, but it at least gives you an idea of their trading style and the currency pair they like to mainly trade. As you can see from the statement below all the trades occurred on the GBP/USD pair. I don’t know if they trade other currency pairs but so far this is the only pair I’ve gotten signals on – and I did make sure to enable all the currency pairs. Statement follows below. I post the next performance update in 2 to 4 weeks.
6945744 2011.12.06 09:43 balance Deposit 10 000.00
7138696 2011.12.20 09:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55435 1.56240 1.55040 2011.12.20 10:54 1.56240 0.00 0.00 0.00 -80.50
7148245 2011.12.21 01:31 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.56726 1.57530 1.56330 2011.12.21 11:21 1.57530 0.00 0.00 0.00 -80.40
7169681 2011.12.22 09:30 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.57187 1.57850 1.56650 2011.12.22 10:27 1.57039 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.80
7225845 2012.01.02 00:00 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55035 1.55740 1.54540 2012.01.03 07:32 1.55740 0.00 0.00 -0.20 -70.50
7239188 2012.01.03 10:30 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55777 1.56570 1.55370 2012.01.03 17:26 1.56570 0.00 0.00 0.00 -79.30
7256128 2012.01.04 13:01 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.55969 1.55170 1.56370 2012.01.04 17:41 1.56370 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.10
7271151 2012.01.05 06:30 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.56010 1.55200 1.56400 2012.01.05 12:40 1.55200 0.00 0.00 0.00 -81.00
7293552 2012.01.06 05:00 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55055 1.55870 1.54670 2012.01.06 14:03 1.54670 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.50
7307915 2012.01.09 10:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.54392 1.55200 1.54000 2012.01.11 12:21 1.54000 0.00 0.00 -0.40 39.20
7349642 2012.01.11 12:31 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.53936 1.53150 1.54350 2012.01.11 17:28 1.53150 0.00 0.00 0.00 -78.60
7359600 2012.01.11 19:30 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.53294 1.52490 1.53690 2012.01.13 07:10 1.53690 0.00 0.00 0.36 39.60
7386065 2012.01.13 15:30 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.53061 1.52260 1.53460 2012.01.13 21:54 1.53267 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.60
7457535 2012.01.18 16:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.54252 1.55060 1.53860 2012.01.20 14:57 1.55060 0.00 0.00 -0.79 -80.80
7478337 2012.01.20 15:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55217 1.56000 1.54800 2012.01.23 16:00 1.56000 0.00 0.00 -0.20 -78.30
7492461 2012.01.24 04:30 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.55497 1.54690 1.55890 2012.01.24 14:06 1.55890 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.30
7499274 2012.01.24 15:00 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.55869 1.56680 1.55480 2012.01.25 10:08 1.55480 0.00 0.00 -0.20 38.90
7517090 2012.01.25 19:31 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.56374 1.57180 1.55980 2012.01.26 11:05 1.57180 0.00 0.00 -0.59 -80.60
7533555 2012.01.27 01:31 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.56712 1.55900 1.57100 2012.01.27 09:34 1.57097 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.50
7537432 2012.01.27 11:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.57154 1.57960 1.56760 2012.01.27 16:37 1.56760 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.40
7542147 2012.01.27 17:01 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.56701 1.55890 1.57090 2012.01.27 17:17 1.56870 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.90
7544787 2012.01.27 21:31 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.57342 1.58150 1.56950 2012.01.27 21:51 1.57382 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.00
7555369 2012.01.30 22:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.56996 1.57800 1.56600 2012.01.31 11:46 1.57800 0.00 0.00 -0.20 -80.40
7566998 2012.01.31 12:01 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.57789 1.58600 1.57400 2012.02.01 07:25 1.57400 0.00 0.00 -0.20 38.90
7581144 2012.02.01 07:31 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.57396 1.56590 1.57790 2012.02.01 10:15 1.57790 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.40
7584733 2012.02.01 10:31 sell 0.10 gbpusd 1.57847 1.58670 1.57470 2012.02.01 11:17 1.57476 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.10
0.00 0.00 -2.42 -313.20
Closed P/L: -315.62
I’m going to put this account on myfxbook soon so it’s easier for you folks to keep up to date with my testing. Stay tuned to this blog and I’ll post the link soon.
Alan out.