Hi everyone. ZuluTrade, the popular forex trading signals platform provider, just sent me this e-mail regarding recent improvements to their service platform and I thought I’d pass it on to you my dear readers. As you can see they’ve added some new supported brokers. Personally I still trade with FXCM, but for the purposes of ZuluTrade any one of their supported brokers will do. Here is the e-mail news release:
Zulutrade is proud to announce new features and brokers:
– Metatrader 4 (MT4 trading). If you prefer to use your MT4 client to trade with Zulutrade, now you can do it. Logon to your Zulutrade live account, click settings, type your broker’s MT4 username and password and click save! You can trade anytime through the zulutrade platform, or your MT4 platform, it works in both directions.
– FXDD added as a linked broker with the zulutrade service. FXDD users can trade through their MT4 account or via Zulutrade.
– FOREX.COM (Gain capital) added as a linked broker with the zulutrade service. FOREX.COM users can trade through their MT4 account or via Zulutrade.
– AVAFX added as a linked broker with the zulutrade service as well.
Zulutrade is adding more brokers and exciting new features as we speak… Stay tuned for a gorgeous new feature, coming very soon!
Many pips to you all,