Hello folks. I just posted an interesting article over at my finance blog entitled “Euro; The worst is yet to come.” The article is written by Sol Palha from The Tactical Investor, and as you can tell by the title, Sol is of the opinion that the Euro is in for a far rougher ride than we’ve seen as of late. The article talks about political reasons why the Euro could receive a further beating from the markets. Of course for us forex traders that means we should be on the lookout for good short eur/usd entries.
You can read the article in full over here:
Hi, i noticed that you are working on an “economic calendar”, you can get one for free on forex factory here: “http://www.forexfactory.com/calendar.php” click on the “External Calendar” link on the left it will generate the html code that will embed the calendar in your blog.
Yep, I know. That’s what I eventually plan to do. I already have that calendar integrated on the Forex Nirvana forum @ http://www.forexnirvana.com
So it should be not a big deal to port it over to this blog.
Happy trading!