Greetings trader,
Robert Prechter’s Elliott Wave International (EWI) has just released a free 10-page trading eBook: How You Can Find High-Probability Trading Opportunities Using Moving Averages, bySenior AnalystJeffrey Kennedy.
Moving averages are one of the most widely-used methods of technical analysis because they are simple to use, and they work. Now you can learn how to apply them to your trading and investing in this free eBook. Let EWI’s Jeffrey Kennedy teach you step-by-step how moving averages can help you find high-probability trading opportunities. Jeffrey’s trading eBooks have been downloaded thousands of times because he knows how to take complex trading methods and teach them in a way you can immediately understand and apply. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can benefit from Moving Averages with just this quick, 10-page lesson.
Improve your trading and investing with Moving Averages!
(Don’t miss out. It’s only available until November 30.)
About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International
Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private around the world.
Moving Averages can serve only as an additional tool. They hardly work alone.
I agree, no doubt about that Matt! They’re not the only indicator one must use.