Hi everyone. I guess I was a bit too excited or was too much enamored with the whole idea of neural network based forex robots when I made my previous post regarding the Leo Trader Pro forex robot. In this previous post I mentioned how supposedly the CEO of a Finish forex brokerage firm – FinFX – “authenticated that Leo Trader Pro makes 113% per month.” Sellers of forex products make all sorts of claims (some wildly exagerrated, some complete lies) and some of their claims can often come back and bite them in the rear end. Thus I was not at all surprised when I saw a thread on the Forex Nirvana forum in which the thread starter raises some concerns about this newfangled “Leo Trader Pro” EA. I think all who are interested in discussing this EA in a spirit of open and honest criticism should definitely visit this forum thread and see what is being written:
So is Leo Trader Pro a scam? Tell us what you think! Join the discussion. See you all on the forum.