Hey everyone. I just found out that ZuluTrade’s recommended broker – AAAFx – has announced that they’ve reduced the spread on all currency pairs. For example the spread on EUR/USD is now 1.5 pips and 0.5 pips for institutional accounts. What I find more appealing though is the lower spread on cross pairs such as GBP/JPY and EUR/JPY. As I’m sure you may know GBP/JPY is quite the beast and you can stand to make quite a lot of pips if you know what you are doing or if you find a good signal provider on ZuluTrade, so the lower spread will simply mean more pips in your pockets.
I’ve been using FXCM for my ZuluTrade account but I do plan to swtich to AAAFx soon simply becuase of the tighter integration with ZuluTrade’s platform and because fo the supposed better execution. But I do wish they would increase the leverage to 400:1.
Anyways, that does it for this post. I’ll keep you all up-to-date on how my experience with AAAFx goes once I switch over.
Best of luck to you all!