Greetings to all you zulutraders. As I mentioned in my last ZuluTrade related post, I have recently said goodbye to two long standing top signal providers – Kama Spot and SavedFX. Well after some digging around on the ZuluTrade signal providers list I have finally come upon what I believe to be viable replacements, and they are the following signal providers:
The good life1
Azar Consulting
Both of these guys are near the top in rankings, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be there forever. I thought they are worth a try. Azar Consulting looks like he’s got fairly stable and consistent trading strategy. The good life1 is also pretty impressive but he’s been on zulutrade for only 13 weeks which in my book makes him a “young” signal provider.
Let’s hope they both perform well.
Happy trading everyone.
Alan out.