By: Frederick J. Sheehan “Global regulators…have no real sense of what type of contagion effect would occur if Greece were to default,” observes Michael Lewitt in the June 16, 2011, edition of…
Category: Articles
3 Currencies to Buy as Trichet Loses His Nerve
By Evaldo Albuquerque, Editor, Exotic FX Alert Central bankers are some of the worst magicians in the world. Unfortunately, they love to use their sleight of hand on our monetary system. As…
Time to Short the Japanese Yen
A Crash Course in Trading the Japanese Yen (…And Why Now is Perfect Time to Short this Currency) Sean Hyman, Editor, Currency Cross Trader When I first came over from the stock…
Quake Response Puts Yen on the Line
By: Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital One of the immediate financial consequences of the catastrophic Japanese earthquake is that Japan needs to call on its huge cache of foreign exchange…
Short this Currency Now
Back then, it took several billion to buy a loaf of bread. Another couple billion to purchase eggs, fabrics, sugar – basically anything you needed. The price of everything was doubling almost…
Taps for the Dollar
By Michael Pento, Senior Economist at Euro Pacific Capital It now appears that the United States has finally succeeded in its efforts to destroy confidence in the U.S. dollar. Given the currency’s…
Canadian Dollar – The Ultra-Safe Secret Natural Gas Play
You may remember the incredibly long lines for the gas pump back in the early 70s. I was just a toddler myself, but my parents and grandparents were among the ones waiting…
The Last Currency Standing
By Eric Roseman, editor, Commodity Trend Alert As I look at the world’s major economies, all I can see is a bar full of drunks. Whole drunk economies, who do nothing but…