Hello fellow traders. I am often guilty of taking my computer skills for granted and no doubt many of you do the same. But the reality is that we all had to…
Category: Utilities
Japanese Charting secret recently ‘programmed’ (free download)
I just installed this plugin, that you’ve gotta see. Brick Charts Advanced https://netpicks.infusionsoft.com/go/brick/a12 From what I’ve seen, the Japanese have been holding onto (and protecting) a charting secret that’s kept a select…
You don’t have to hand chart this anymore: (download)
Did you know there’s an old Japanese charting technique that’s so consistent, it actually WIPES away market noise? Sadly, it’s also a technique that had to be HAND-WRITTEN manually. That is, until…
Free forex news calendar software
Hello fellow forex traders. A buddy of mine on the Forex Nirvana forum posted a link to a free forex news calendar program for windows that I think you’d all find very…
New Zulutrade iPhone app version
Greetings Zulutraders! The geeks at Zulutrade have released a new version of their ultra cool iPhone app. This makes me wish I had an iPhone. Come to think of it, I’m really…
Capital growth application on-the-house
Hi! What do you think of the capital growth app I blogged about in my previous post? You can’t argue with the cost – it’s completely affordable with the $0.00 price tag! …
Free Universal Capital Growth Trade Tool
Hello, Capital growth… Isn’t that why we’re traders in the first place? So, why is it hard to learn the truth about growing your account? I guess it’s because the truth isn’t…
Universal trade management software for nothing
You know, traders struggle with a thing or two or ten throughout their trading careers. I’m no exception to that statement. It took a long time and tons of hard work for…