I just came across this recommendation while browsing the GalleonFX website and I thought those of you who are interested in joining GalleonFX may wish to read it. I think the recommendation…
FXCM Introduces two new managed forex accounts
Hello fellow investors. Just thought I’d let you all know that FXCM has introduced two new managed forex accounts in addition to their existing “Sentiment Funds.” Actually it is only one managed…
The Forex Assassin Trading System
Some of you may or may not know Mark McRae. For those that do not, he is the publisher of the Sure-Fire Forex Trading System and the Traders Secret Code. I am…
Attention Forex Autopilot users – Stop using the old trading robots
Hi everyone. I just thought I’d send out this friendly warning to those of you have the old Forex Autopilot Expert Advisors (trading robots) to NOT USE THEM anymore. The Forex Autopilot…
Barclay Hedge Ranks GalleonFX 2nd in Dec 07 with 12.15% Net Returns
December results from BarclayHedge‘s Managed Currency Fund Rankings were released last month in February. Once again Galleon (GalleonFX) is right near the top for the 4th month in a row in 2nd…
The new Forex Autopilot trading robot
You may remember my previous posts about the Forex Autopilot System and the 8 trading robots included in the package. I was in the process of testing all eight of them and…
Running MetaTrader 4 (MT4) on Mac OS X
Here is how to get MetaTrader4 (MT4) Forex trading platforms to work under Mac OS X. Requirement: You must be using a Mac with the Intel Duo Core Processor. 1. Download CrossOver…
GalleonFX – February recap and very encouraging results from new strategies
Here is the latest news from GalleonFX: We are pleased to announce an encouraging return for February 2008 with our new additional strategies making profits for us already. The month on the…