GalleonFX managed to score another loss yet again. As you can see from the performance results below June 2008 is a losing month for GalleonFX.
June 2008
EUR -1.32%
USD -1.53%
gross returns
I closed my Galleon FX account last month so I just want to let you folks know that I will no longer be reporting about anything GalleonFX related. Nor will I EVER consider opening a managed account with them again. In my eyes GalleonFX’s performance lately can only be described as garbage. Want proof? Take a look at this:
01/08 | -32% | -33% |
02/08 | +9.0% | +16.8% |
03/08 | +1.2% | +1.0% |
04/08 | -29.0% | -27.4% |
05/08 | -9.17% | -8.95% |
06/08 | -1.53% | -1.32% |
-33%! 27.4! This is simply unacceptable.
I wish those of you still on board this sinking Galleon the best of luck.