10 Golden Rules of Trading explained by former floor trader, retired hedge manager and President of INO.com, Adam Hewison. Enjoy the video!
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An adventure in currency trading
10 Golden Rules of Trading explained by former floor trader, retired hedge manager and President of INO.com, Adam Hewison. Enjoy the video!
[youtube LEArG8ebxAg]
Visit the INO MarketClub homepage for more videos and training tips.
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It may be. I am still in “low trading volume” mode waiting patiently for high liquidity and low spreads to return to the forex market. It may be a bit too early to tell but it looks like we are seeing some moderate signs of improvements in the global financial markets. Stock markets have somewhat calmed down. But whether there will be a “huge recover” in western markets, I’m not so sure.
I’m no paid financial expert but I think it will take a while for things to return to pre financial crisis mode. US is still losing jobs, and so are many other major economies. I expect a slow economic decline or stagnation for about 2-5 years before things start to improve (maybe more, you never know)
I have read that now is the golden time to trade Forex as the markets recover around the globe.
Do you think this is true?
I lost a few thousand last year because I was foolish but now I read that it is the golden time to invest wisely pending a huge recovery in the markets especially western markets.