I just found out (fxcm mailing list) that micro lot trading is available to all new FXCM Trading Station II accounts. When trading with FXCM LLC, a trader’s maximum leverage is still 50:1. However, with micro (1k) lots, traders now have access to a greater range of trade sizes, providing more control and flexibility.
The leverage sucks, but what can you do this is the rule with all US brokers.
I used to trade with FXCM’s Trading Station II but I stopped as I got more and more into MT4 and automated trading. I’m curious to hear some feedback from Trade Station II traders though. How is the platform now? What do you think?
Yeah it is not a good news for the US traders. The low leverage requires higher deposits in order to make a decent trading, also the returns are very slow and low.
Sadly yes. It means there is a barrier to entry for potential traders with low funds.
The only realistic option at this point is to trade with regulated OFFSHORE brokers – ie non US based. Some offshore brokers will still offer crazy leverage like 400:1. In some cases if used wisely the higher leverage is a good thing as you can better fine tune your market exposure.