Hello everybody. I would like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May 2012 bring you happiness, prosperity, and many pips! 🙂 Cheers! Alan http://alansforexblog.com
Category: Miscellaneous
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hello my dear readers and visitors. I’d like to take a moment to wish you all a: Merry Christmas!!! ..and also if the world does not end in 2012 (lol I’m sure…
Happy Easter!
Hello everybody. Just a brief post to wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!! 🙂 Cheers, Alan
Attention Fellow Canadians – Stop The Meter On Your Internet Use
Dear fellow Canadians. I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the recent CRTC decision to allow big telecom companies to force usage-based internet billing (UBB) on Canadians. This decision is a major…
Happy New Year!
Hello everybody. I wanted to take a bit of time off from my holiday festivities to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I wish you all happiness and prosperity in 2011!!!…
Merry Christmas!
Hello my dear readers and visitors. I’d like to take a moment to wish you all a: Merry Christmas!!! Cheers, Alan http://alansforexblog.com
Forex Bloggers – Forex Blog Aggregator
Hi everyone. Any of you out there happen to run a forex blog like me? If so you probably know that getting the word out about your blog is very importanta. One…
Happy Canada Day!
Hi everyone. I’d like to take a brief moment to wish all my fellow Canadians a very Happy Canada Day! May God keep our land glorious and free! Cheers, Alan